Email [email protected]
Phone 250-328-3414
Since 2015, the focus of my practice is building custom treatment plans based on each clients current state of being and their health goals. Treatment sessions at Tsubo Shiatsu offer a unique combination of Acutonic Sound and Vibrational Therapy with traditional Zen, Yin, and Jin Shin Shiatsu applications. Currently, I am honored to be working with the Elders of Lower Smilkameen Indian Band through the New Horizon Health and Wellness Grant. If you are curious about qualifying through this grant contact your local Band office. As per CDC guidelines the wearing of masks is required in personal care scenarios such as receiving Shiatsu Therapy. Please be assured that at Tsubo Shiatsu Therapy the most current guidelines for your health and safety are taken care of, all you have to do is come and enjoy your Shiatsu experience. If you need further information or have any questions please call me , Patti Anne, at Tsubo Shiatsu Therapy 250-328-3414